Wednesday, July 12, 2017

State of Flux....

FLUX: noun
1.a flowing or flow.
2.the flowing in of the tide.
3.continuous change, passage, or movement:

Do you ever feel like your life is in a constant state of flux?  You know what I mean - not knowing if you are following the right path. Not knowing what the future is going to hold and which road you should take?

I've been struggling with that for the last little while and slowly I think my "state of flux" period may be coming to an end.

Sometimes we just have to make some hard, tough decisions and just know deep in our souls that what we are choosing is the right path for us. It's so hard to jump to one side of the fence without thinking what "could have been" on the other side. Am I right?  We are so constantly bombarded with "join me here... do could be doing that.....look what I have".  Social media has made it so easy to present the "shiny" version of our lives. Only the good (or just the perception of good) - never the road to get there.  We present the edited versions of life. Don't lie....I know you've done it too!  The right filter her, the right angle there. We all do it - I'm just as guilty!  Everyone else's life looks so good and amazing. We start to question ourselves a bit.  We start thinking "hmmm, what the heck am I doing wrong?". The answer is - you aren't doing it wrong!

For the past 5 years I've been chasing a rabbit and figured by NOW I would have been able go down the rabbit hole to amazing things. Well, I don't even know where the rabbit is anymore. Dreams are great to have - they drive us to push ourselves to do things we never would have thought possible. Passion has to drive those dreams. If the passion is lost, it's extremely hard to see your goal.  Sometimes we have to spend some time with our eyes closed and just listen to what the heart is telling us.  Just really listen......what is it saying? Stay the course, dig deep, suck it up? Or has the passion changed and started to whisper to you to change the course? Create new goals? New dreams? New visions?

That's where I am - the state of flux. I love food. I love crafts. I love being a homemaker.  Those I hold straight in my heart. My big goal - what it was 5 years ago - is changing. I see it.  New goals are being formed - it's exciting!  Things feel different. I feel different.

As we age, we learn. It's true! (Don't tell my 15 year old self that ;).  We begin to feel comfortable in our own skin. We begin to not necessarily care what everyone else will think.  We make our OWN path - not necessarily the easiest one. We create the path that is unique to us. THIS is the beginning of my path. In the end, we need to choose to do what's best for us, our families and our futures. Be true to yourself. Believe in your calling. And 5 years down the road, don't be sad if you have to alter your route a tiny bit - it just means you've grown....and you know yourself just that much more deeper.

So, ya. This isn't a blog today about food. It's not about a brand or a product. It's just about me....some thoughts on (digital) paper....and time spent watching the clouds and realizing that we are complicating our lives too much. We need to take some time to stop and literally smell those roses. Time marches on.....don't let it slide by without actually living.
